
7th November 2019

Comment from IFPI on UK High Court decision in TuneIn case

IFPI welcomes today’s decision by the High Court of England and Wales confirming that TuneIn, the world’s largest online radio aggregator, needs a licence from UK sound recording right holders.

The decision sends a clear message that services like TuneIn that generate revenues by providing online access to recorded music must negotiate licenses and compensate right holders for the use of their music. We continue to work to ensure that this is the case and that revenue is returned to those that invest in and create music.

For further information please contact: / +44 (0)20 7878 7979

About IFPI
IFPI is the voice of the recording industry worldwide, representing over 8,000 record company members across the globe. We work to promote the value of recorded music, campaign for the rights of record producers and expand the commercial uses of recorded music around the world.
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