Representing the recording industry worldwide

Dua Lipa


members across IFPI and its National Group & Local Associations network


countries where our members operate

The voice of the recording industry worldwide

Promoting the Value of Recorded Music

IFPI demonstrates recorded music’s economic value in creating growth, jobs and investment, and its cultural value to society and in people’s lives.

Campaigning for the Rights of Record Producers

IFPI works to make sure that the rights of its members, who create, produce and invest in music, are properly protected and enforced.

Expanding the Commercial Uses of Recorded Music

IFPI works to help its members license and generate commercial value for music through every available channel across the world.

IFPI works as a global team. Our work brings together experts from different departments, countries and continents.

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Almost 70 IFPI National Groups, local associations or affiliated music licensing companies


over 70 markets where our member companies operate

Latest News

IFPI Launches Official Southeast Asia Charts Hub with Creation of New Charts in Philippines and Vietnam

IFPI, representing the recording industry worldwide,has today announced the launch of The Official Southeast Asia Charts, a regional hub housing the official weekly music charts for six countries – Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

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Latest News

Comment from IFPI on the Hamburg Appeal Court’s decision to uphold its order against hosting provider of YouTube-DL

“We welcome the decision from the Hamburg Appeal Court dismissing the defendant’s appeal in its entirety and confirming the Regional Court’s decision to issue an injunction requiring the defendant to stop hosting the stream ripping software YouTube-dl and also confirming that the defendant was obliged to pay damages.

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Latest News

Joint high-level statement valuing creation, invention and innovation: re-booting Europe’s potential

A letter signed by a coalition of copyright, patent, and trademark organisations calls on EU policymakers to prioritise intellectual property rights (IPR) as a foundation for fostering innovation, economic resilience, and cultural leadership in Europe. The letter emphasises the need for effective IPR protections to ensure that creators and innovators can thrive in a competitive, […]

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