
23rd February 2023

IFPI Chief Executive Frances Moore featured in Billboard Women In Music 2023

23rd February 2023 – Frances Moore, IFPI Chief Executive, has been included by Billboard in its 2023 Women In Music Top Executives list. The list recognises a range of high achieving women executives from every sector of the music industry.

The Billboard panel highlighted Frances Moore’s leadership of IFPI as it “continues to expand its global reach” noting the opening of IFPI’s first office in Vietnam, the establishment of the Southeast Asia Regional Office in Singapore and Adriana Restrepo’s recent appointment as the new Regional Director for the IFPI Latin American and the Caribbean Office.

Read the full 2023 Billboard Women In Music Executives List HERE.


Notes to editors:

About IFPI

IFPI is the voice of the recording industry worldwide, representing over 8,000 record company members across the globe. We work to promote the value of recorded music, campaign for the rights of record producers and expand the commercial uses of recorded music around the world.

For further information please contact: | +44 (0)20 7878 7979

Twitter @IFPI_ORG

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